Wednesday, April 15, 2015

GUT Health & Our Immune System

Let's talk about GUT Health & Our Immune System...  

You are what you Eat and what Lives in your GUT.. 
It is said that up to 80% of our immune health lives in our GUT (intestinal tract) flora, which plays an crucial role in our overall health. Which is predominantly made up of bacteria meant to aid in digestion, the absorption of nutrients and the ability to fight off diseases. So it goes without saying that if your GUT is out of wack you could run the risk of compromising your health.  

One of the first indications of a leaky gut is the rise of food intolerance's. If left unhealed, this can lead to immune abnormalities and eventually autoimmune conditions and other health issues. Some of these include inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD),  arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, depression, migraine headaches, muscle pain and fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, type 1 diabetes, Graves’ disease, colitis, thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, scleroderma, Crohn’s disease and Addison’s disease to name a few.  

So what can cause issues in your GUT? are you or have you been antibiotics, do you have a poor diet, eat processed foods, take medications such as NSAID's, do you have stress (don't we all), pollutants & toxins in our environment (out of our control) or this one that I didn't know - drink chlorinated water ??  

How can you fix (replace the bad with good) in your GUT? 

  1. Remove the poor quality foods from your diet 
  1. Eat right 
  1. Taking a good ProBiotic (I use ProBio5 with BioCleanse) 
  1. Replace with good supplements multi-vitamin. To better allow the absorption of B12, magnesium and iron  

For without a Healthy GUT your immune system can not do it's job properly and your body can be left defenseless. Let's get healthy together!!  

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